Monday, August 18, 2008


We arrived in San Mateo yesterday afternoon. Our apartment is nice and a decent size. Of course, we have nothing to fill it with. haha. We're at a coffee shop right now and Marc is trying to figure out the internet situation.

Right now we're at a coffee shop in downtown San Mateo. There's a really nice downtown area with quite a few asian and indian restaurants, which is always a good thing. After we're done here we're going to trek to Whole Foods to do a little grocery shopping.

General area demographics observations (only a trip to Target and 2 hours at a coffee shop to base this off of): Mostly white and asian, sprinkling of hispanic.

Current weather: Sunny, 70. Overnight low: high 50s. Marc loves it. It's beautiful, but I could go just a tad warmer. However, not having to use an AC is great.

We also have an address; I will email it very shortly. I love mail! (hint, hint)

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