Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 2 - The City Wasn't THAT Windy, Pt. 2

Long day, short post.


Fig 3. Leaving Indiana

Fig 4. The illustrious RV and Motor Home Hall of Fame

Figure 5. The Chicago Diner makes a mean vegan Reuben.

Figure 6. Ah, the Cubbies' Mustard.

Figure 7. Best seats at Wrigley? Above your apartment.

Figure 8. As close as we came to the only stadium in Chicago that matters. (*Single tear*)

  • Stephen Colbert - I Am America (And So Can You) [seriously. the entire thing. funny, but long]
  • Os Mutantes - Os Mutantes

  • The Pragmatic Programmer - about 5 pages, then sleep.
  • Can I count "America" for this, too?

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