Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 5 - The Great Divide

Picture Post:

Figure 15. Scrub brush and rolling hills -- Not quite the
Majesty I was expecting.

Figure 16. There's the Majesty. Unfortunately, I was driving
and someone-who-will-remain-nameless is slow with
grabbing the camera, so there are no pictures of Utah's
Fireworks 'N Liquor stores.

Figure 17. Again, Colorado to me says, "Rockies," not,
"Just like Kansas."

Figure 18. Ah, there we go.

Figure 19. Getting better..

Figure 20. More like the Arizona mesas, but I'll take it.

Figure 21. Not as impressive as it looks.

Figure 22. One of the impressive Utahan river valley
descents, but nothing like the final descent into Salt Lake
City. At that point, I was busy driving, and someone else
was holding on for dear life.

Figure 23. More valley.

Figure 24. While Em was on the phone with her grandmother,
I scrambled up a chalky mountain in slip-ons to snap some
shots of Echo Reservoir.

Figure 25. The white thing on the right is the car.
Harrowing descent.

Figure 26. Awww

Figure 27. Downtown SLC. Gorgeous, but I can't take
credit for this one.

Figure 28. This one, I can. Cheap cameras don't do well in
low light, but because SLC is in a basin with a larger
mountain to the East, pre-dawn has this odd glow,
and it's technically pre-dawn long after the sun has
risen on the other side of the mountain.

  • Basically, just Freakonomics on cd.

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